The thriller film i have chosen to anaylse is 'The Dark Knight' directed by Christopher Nolan. The reason for this is becasue i have seen it may times and on IMDb (the Internet Movie Database) it is rated as the 4th best thriller of all time.
The lighting in this movie is quite dark, this makes it quite creepy and the suspence on the audience quite high. Everyone is more wearing in the dark becasue they are not as aware of things as you are in the light so this adds to the tenction of the thriller becasue the visibilty level isnt as high as a normal day. The only place in the moive that is brightly lit is batmans place. This makes the view feel more comfortable and at easy when watching this part of the movie becasue it gives the sence of safety.

The colours in this movie are much like the setting, very dark around the antagonistic, but light around the protagonistic. The exception is that although it is light and colourful most of the time around batman he wears a black 'scary' suit, which is the same suit he wears all the time, so it doesnt change.
The make-up used in this movie is very clever. The 'joker' (Heath Ledger) has make-on through-out the whole movie. The scares on his face have been put on his face, and do look very realistic. This would have been done by top of the art make-up artists to create the effect. Also, he has clown make-up on his face for all scenes bar one.The face paint has been made to look like it is old and slightly worn off for effect. The rest of the the casts make-up is just normal; meaning the boys look like there not weareing any and the girls, minimal.
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